Text Content

Over 10000 approved writers across various industries, expertise, and content types at your service.

At TextMercato, our experience says the content consumers have a wide range of requirements. Some want to read an informative blog, some prefer a Q&A platform or a discussion board to address their questions, while others prefer an email newsletter update. Did you know there are over 100+ text content types? Let’s discuss what your client preferences are.

Graphics Content

“A picture is worth a thousand words”
Cliche = yes! True = yes!!
Pictures tend to simplify the verbose nature of the textual content.

At TextMercato, we believe that the graphical representation is one of the leading means of communication. Users comprehend information in various forms - text, graphical, images etc,. and graphics are a great way to form a visual memory and ease of understanding.

Emailer Design



Website & App Banners

Blog Images

Logo Design

Presentation Design

Whitepaper Design

Newsletter Design

Ebook Design

Ads / GDN Banners



It is 53% more likely that people who see content in their native language are more comfortable transacting. Have you explored other languages yet?

At TextMercato, we believe that in today’s world localizing your content across different regions gets you the edge and the additional users who are comfortable transacting in their preferred language. Explore our network of global translators to convert your content, make better impressions, and enhance engagement with your users.

Website Translation

Blog Translation


Chat Translation

App Translations

Technical Translations

Explainer Videos

How-To Videos

Educational Videos

Testimonial Videos

Company Story Videos

Video Ads

Product Videos

Social Videos


Video Content

“54% of consumers want video content from their brands”, Hubspot.

So, what are you waiting for?

At TextMercato, it’s not just about creating video content, but the What, When, Where, and Why questions need to be answered. For example, Boeing is not selling planes via video content, but it creates an identity and understanding of their brands. The key is to understand the reasons, the limitations and the goal of the video content in relation to your brand.




Social media audio

Incorporate audio into written content

Audio catalogues

Audio Content

Audio is not a new phenomenon, it’s always been here, historically through radio, voice notes, and other formats. But, how has all this changed now?

Podcasts, Audiobooks, Audio articles are now covering a variety of areas but are not limited to pep talks, food, wellness, and more. Think of it? Users consume information at their choice and convenience. Audio content is great on the go content.


Do you have lectures, interviews, business meetings, and other formats that need transcribing? Do not worry we have you covered.

At TextMercato, our team of experts have hands-on experience in delivering transcription projects with a robust quality checking process within the agreed SLA. The ability to design a team with a dedicated Account Manager for your project ensures right delivery at the right time.



Voice Over

Let’s hear from you on how we can positively contribute to your goals!